Senior Portraits (2023 Pricing)

(High School/College Seniors)


Your complimentary consultation is designed to create a custom photo session for you. We will get to know each other, understand your style, discuss location, clothing suggestions, and product options.


Bronze Package - $325

1 hour session, 1 location

8x10 - Qty 1

5x7 - Qty 4

4x6 - Qty 4

Wallets - Qty 8


Silver Package - $400

2 hour session (time allows for 1 outfit change), 1 location

8x10 - Qty 2

5x7 - Qty 4

4x6 - Qty 6

Wallets - Qty 8

Hardcover Photo Book - 20 images


Gold Package - $475

3 hour session (time allows for multiple outfit changes), 2 locations

11x14 - Qty 1

8x10 - Qty 2

5x7 - Qty 4

4x6 - Qty 6

Wallets - Qty 8

Hardcover Photo Book - 20 images


Add-on option to any package from above: 

Processed High Resolution digital images (w/print release available through secured client access to online gallery) - $75



Reveal and ordering session to be scheduled after photo session

Yearbook image included in any senior portrait package

(Please provide your school information sheet for yearbook regarding details of background color, size of image and deadline)

Note: Unedited and/or RAW files are not supplied



                                                                      Book Your Appointment Today:


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